Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Summary and Response of "The Evolution of the Swimsuit."

Swimsuit designer Jessica Rey creates "The Evolution of the Swimsuit," to argue that women do not need to wear bikinis to feel empowered in society and by wearing bikinis women are viewed by most men as objects rather than people. Rey gives background information on the history of the bikini since the 1960s to today and compares the trends of both designs of bikinis. She explains that when the Bikini was first invented, many people viewed it as a repulsive type clothing that would be a disgrace to wear. During the women's rights movement, the bikini was an excellent way for women to rebel against societies ideology of the classy woman and consequently they gained power or so they thought. A study was performed by men of Princeton University to see how the male brain reacted to seeing women wearing the modern day bikini; studies showed that men viewed women as tools or objects of use. Rey created a new swimsuit that would make a woman seem more modest and unrevealing.


Jessica Rey's presentation on "The Evolution of the Swimsuit," was a way to empower women in the other direction. What I mean is Rey shows that the power that women have now is not really power because they are not even viewed as human beings and she is looking to help women become classier and more respected. I agree that women should be more modest in what they wear because it can help them gain a form of respect that could solve issues like rape and gender profiling. If men seem to feel superior to women then do not give them a reason to feel so by wearing revealing clothing that damages gender roles and professionalism.

The Princeton study on the male mind was eye opening because it shows that women are no longer being viewed as someone with morals and values, but just objects. Many feminist fight for their rights as a women, but if other women are sending these ideas to men then how could they ever gain the respect they want? Jessica Rey does not think modesty and classiness is something most women of today could contemplate, but feel that this change could help them gain respect.

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